Monday, June 11, 2018


一眨眼你哭了 (In the blink of an eye you are crying) 有話想對我說 (wanting to tell me something) 你害怕就忘了 (You are afraid and you forget) 好像從沒見過我 (as if you have never met me) 你愛我我走了 (You love me but I left) 我也不想這樣做 (I also didn't want to do something like that) 可是真的想對你說 (But I really want to tell you) 明天開始就重新來過 (Starting tomorrow we'll start anew) 你讓我幸福過快樂過 (You gave me good fortune and happiness) 這些我都還記得 (I remember all of these) 別懷疑我 (Don't doubt me) 離開你我也痛哭傻了 (When I left you I also hurt to the point of going crazy) 忘記吧那些經過 (Just forget everything because the past) 都別再留 (will never remain) 我愛你可是你也說過 (I love you but you also said) 愛情並不是停留 (That love will never reach its stopover) 不往前走 (and will never move forward) 可是分岔的路口 (But when we reach the two-forked road) 你向左我往哪裡走 (Which path do you want me to take?) 告訴我 (Tell me)

Translated by The Sweet Melo Touch
Lyrics copied from the Youtube video.

In less than a month I am going home and must remember to be strong no matter what. As I have learned, love is not just a feeling, but the willingness to exert effort and to work things out so that the relationship deepens and lovers grow. This song, with its simple words, capture exactly how I feel about A. I should have stopped seeing him a long time ago when he made it clear he doesn't want to commit. I was just too stupid and maybe too afraid of starting a new life without him. But six months far away from home made me realize I am very different from other women. While women in the West proudly proudly proclaim themselves to be strong and independent, I roll my eyes because they can't even travel alone nor can they achieve anything without relying on men (and using men in the process). Moreover, despite the many things that happened to me, despite the many encounters with narcissistic people and friendly users, I never lost my true self, I never gave up on humanity and retained that warmth and openness. I will always remember what a dear friend told me, that I should believe that I will encounter good people because I am also a good person. I am just too different and I now realize that I am far stronger than most people.

I let you go now and this is the last time I will cry for you.

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