Sunday, December 30, 2012

Writer's Block

These past few days saw me unable to articulate my sentiments. On the road going home, as I pass by lights against the quickly darkening sky, many thoughts flood my head. And yet when I am in front of the computer, about to compose a new blog, I find myself spacing out, opting to soothe my wounded pride with my latest album download. 

(This time, it's Rumania Montevideo's MO' BETTER TRACKS. I first discovered RM after hearing "Still for Your Love" from 名探偵コナン. "Still for Your Love" became one of my fave songs of all time, alongside 上木 彩矢's "Summer Memories", both being part of my playlist when I joined the China winter tour of 2008.)

And now, still vulnerable to those fun memories, it hurts so much knowing those moments can no longer be replicated and are now in the past. Still I smile with the thought that at the very least, I was able to break free from my cage-like existence and experience the joy of being with people whom I just met, people who have touched my heart, who renewed my trust in humans.

A few weeks from now, smiling faces and happy laughter shall fill my mind. 

And I hope I'll be able to give justice to this year's wonderful experience and write something interesting about it. I miss my travel buddies I console myself by listening to my fave songs all over again...

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