Sunday, July 7, 2013

June 2013

How time flies! Half the year is done and yet there are too many things to do and accomplish. It's still a wonder I was able to post entries in my blog last month,but if my dear readers notice, most are just about travels which are way past the deadline. Still, I hope readers get something from reading my posts.

Heavy rains start to visit us and so I see the need to rise up earlier than usual and to report to work early to avoid the rush hour in the afternoon. Our MRT system sucks big time and it doesn't help that we have irresponsible, undisciplined commuters. Buses are not the best choice especially when it rains since major thoroughfares get flooded way too easily and one simply doesn't want to get stuck in bottleneck traffic for hours on end.

Last month, I finished watching Game of Thrones Season 2 and finally got hold of a copy of Season 3. When HBO aired the penultimate episode of Season 3, the internet was abuzz with spoilers the following day. An officemate spilled the beans on the death of two important characters so I was in a dilemma as to watch Season 3 or wait until the year is finished so it won't be long before they release Season 4. Then again, my reading pace of "A Clash of Kings" has been slow thanks to my suddenly hectic schedule. I told myself to finish the book first before proceeding with the third season.

A friend and I attended the showing of Wanko - The Story of Me, My Family and Rock at the Japan Foundation. Before heading to the venue, we had early dinner at Lola's Best which was just across Pacific Star. There really is nothing special about the food and the servings are too small. Anyway, the movie is a touching story on human resilience and animal loyalty. It's an inspiring story about how a family starts a new life following a disaster that wrecked havoc on their beloved island. At times funny and most times touching, it's the sort of movie that one will love to watch over and over again.

In line with a promise to myself to reconnect with people who played an important part in my life, I finally met up with my highschool friends after almost 5 years of no meetups. It's fun to reminisce about highschool life with people with whom you share fond memories.

Add to my hectic schedule is my acceptance to tutor a friend. We would chat online and discuss French grammar and such. It's a somewhat nice way for me to refresh my memory and it forces me to think of efficient ways to teach the language.

On June 24, I went to a friend's house for the San Juan Fiesta. We had so much fun singing karaoke. It's my first time to experience a Pinoy fiesta and I'm relived to find that it's not as crazy as I thought it would be. My friend told me that in the morning of the feast day though, people would throw buckets of water at random people. It's a good thing we went there after office hours.

Last, my proudest achievement this month is that I succeeded in practicing frugality. The last two weeks of June are a testament to how I can spend less, by focusing on important things (like food and transportation) and by resisting the urge to buy books. It helps that one of my projects this year is to read at least 50 books from my collection. The first half of the year has passed and I am nowhere near my target. (Fail!)

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