Tuesday, July 9, 2013

On Different Interests and Human Relations

Today is the second day of the week-long workshop in UP. It pleased me to have someone finally interested in 三國, the TV drama series aired last year in a Taiwanese cable channel. For months last year, it ruled my life, making me rethink of human greed and ambitions, as well as the means employed by people to get what they want. This year they aired the series on the same TV channel (evidence of the popularity of this Chinese classic, aside from this funny video on a fan), which is just as perfect since I have been getting into Game of Thrones and the two series have many things in common with regards to politics. (The difference I can think of right now between the two series is that 三國 doesn't have soft porn, unlike Game of Thrones. That, and aside from the genre: 三國 is historical fiction, whereas Game of Thrones is fantasy--- though George says many of the scenes are inspired from history.) The thought of producing an article from this observation has been with me since I started Game of Thrones but I guess it depends if I can sneak it in my schedule.

And then just a random thought: perhaps the reason why I find it hard to be friends with other people is because I have weird interests. While many are into romantic J-drama or Western series, I am more into anime, action J-series, and Chinese period dramas. It's just strange that it's only now that I realize how I care very little for what is in vogue at the moment, but rather pursue that which truly interests me. And this has caused me to feel left out a lot because most of the time, I don't know what people are talking about and I get weird looks when I ask about things that I like.

Still, no matter how uncomfortable I am when people around me think I'm an idiot or a retard when they for example, talk about popular franchise movies which I largely ignore, I always think that life is too short to waste time on things I don't really like. So I end up watching obscure movies and series, and reading obscure books (eg. The Perfumed Garden) which nobody in my circles has heard of. I may have lost opportunities to quickly establish relationships based on similar tastes but at the end of the day, I feel like at least, I have my own secret silent sanctuary.

In the end, it doesn't even matter. (to quote Linkin Park)

So goodbye, bittersweet love. I am now free from these weird feelings I have for you. I truly wanted to understand you, to delve into your world, but I guess I love myself more to destroy myself for you.

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