Friday, February 14, 2014

25 Songs for 25 Years of Solitude (Part 2 of 3)

And today is Valentine's Day... er 元宵節! 

So continuing from yesterday...

10. 佐藤 朱美分かっていたはず
This insert song from the hit shoujo series Fushigi Yuugi is about realizing how painful it can be to love someone and the two of you can't be together. What can be more tragic than that? And the opening lines to this song is enough to break your heart:
通り過ぎる/ 恋人たちの笑い声 /胸をしめつける (...)

私には わかっていたはず 
 愛したって 独り占め  できないこと

11. Chage & Aska- Say Yes
Whenever I listen to this song I get different interpretations depending on my mood (or I may just be distracted from the wonderful mix of instruments) but normally I see it as a song by a lover persuading his beloved who seems to be hesitant about jumping into a relationship. 


12. 上木 彩矢- Youthful Diary
If you have a diary, you will certainly relate to this song which is like a diary entry on the day a juvenile romance ends.

駆けぬけてた高鳴ってた輝いてた あの日の記憶
初めてだった繋いだ手も 不器用で少し強引だったね
たぐり寄せて眠る いつの日にかyouthful diary

13. Celine Dion- Lettre de George Sand  à Alfred de Musset

A sentimental ballad about a lover about to leave her man, this song wishes for the beloved's happiness while asking him to still cherish their memories. (Mais garde-moi dans un petit coin secret de ton cœur, et descends-y dans tes jours de tristesse pour y trouver une consolation, ou un encouragement...), and to eventually love another woman. What sets this song apart is that it reminds the man to be extra cautious not to break a woman's heart, and that romantic failures shouldn't close one's heart to love.

Mais ton coeur, mais ton bon coeur, ne le tue pas, je t'en prie.
Qu'il se mette tout entier dans toutes les amours de ta vie,
afin qu'un jour tu puisses regarder en arrière
et dire comme moi, j'ai souffert souvent,
je me suis trompé quelquefois mais j'ai aimé.

14. 柴咲 コウ- 月のしずく
This is for the one who misses someone... and who appreciates wonderfully sad imagery in songs lyrics.
そっと 今、天つ彼方
哀しみを月のしずくが 今日もまた濡らしてゆく

15. Guns n' Roses- November Rain
Awesome music and most especially the guitar solo by Slash makes this one of the best songs of all time for sentimental beings out there trying to woo their beloved.

So if you want to love me then darlin' don't refrain
Or I'll just end up walkin' in the cold November rain

16. White Noise- Kết Thúc
This often reminds me of gloomy Sunday afternoons when I would just stare out the windows. But this song is surely not about boredom, but about realizing too late that one still loves her partner and now she's sulking because she misses him so. 
Giờ lối ta đi sao lạnh lẽo vắng em chung con đường đó hát ca
Và bỗng giật mình thấy ta bồi hồi một nỗi nhớ mong em

17. Aerosmith- Hole in My Soul
Another favorite is Aerosmith's "Hole in My Soul", with lyrics that reflect a twisting kind of pain from being hurt by a loved one and which creates a kind of emptiness in one's being.

Tell me how it feels to be the one who turns the knife inside of me

Previous: 25 Songs for 25 Years of Solitude (Part 1 of 3)
Next: 25 Songs for 25 Years of Solitude (Part 3 of 3)

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