We got packs of Docello products, one chocolate mousse, one panna cotta, and one creme brulee. Those plus a bag of Maggi mashed potatoes. Just what I need after spening money on travels this year, leaving me with almost no savings so at the moment I am trying hard to save money by bringing packed lunch to work. This is the unglamorous side of having wanderlust, sure you get to go see places but at the expense of your savings. I still consider myself lucky to get free plane fares thrice this year because of volunteer-related travels. Awesome way to savor 2015.
Soya milk, bananas already in the blender, and choco mousse mix |
Tonight I finally found the time to open the choco mousse bag and make dessert. A day ago I bought a liter of soya milk at the grocery store so I used that plus some almost overripe bananas that we have. Throw everything into the blender and you're good to go.
The finished product |
Since I forgot to but small cups, the aluminum pan will do for now. Still have half a pack left so I can have a second shot to make a better choco mousse dessert in case this doesn't turn out good.
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