Thursday, October 27, 2011

Melo's Christmas Wishlist

Dear Santa and the Reindeer,

Happy end-of-October!

The cold morning breeze is here which makes me sneeze a couple of times upon waking up. October is about to end. Mom is already preparing for things to bring to the cemetery. December is oh-so-near!

And yes, my most dreaded month because I get depressed times ten to the infinite power whenever December's near. Birthday blues and commercialized holidays again. Since two weeks' vacation is part of the package and I am naturally an overly sentimental and romantic being, I tend to spend time listening to rock ballads.

And yes, I seem to have perfected the art of emoing. As I have told a friend, it is an art for me, but more so a hobby.

Tonight I enumerate the things I want for Christmas. Yes I do complain about the holidays being commercialized but give this kid a break. All she wants are:

1. An external hard disk preferably Buffalo.

2. An MP4 player though I will be extremely happy with an MP3 player... preferably at least 2GB.

3. A new Asus gamer's laptop because I plan to go back to being a gamer as soon as I finish my academic requirements

4. WACOM Bamboo to practice creating digital art

5. Books on digital art and animation. Or books in general. (Though really, I should start reading my fiction books which have suddenly numbered to over 200!)

And yes, I do have the above-mentioned stuffs on my wishlist. Then again, there are even more precious things I'd like like:

1. More time to do the things I want like sleeping, drawing, reading, writing, and watching movies

2. parents' permission to join future excavations and explore the world

3. the perfect job: something that will allow me to earn without sacrificing my hobbies and of course, my career as an archaeologist.

4. real peace, though I know this is next to impossible

5. last and the most important: the COURAGE to do the things I have to do, and the STRENGTH to continue doing what I'm supposed to do.

So there, I guess the second group of wishes are more important. :)

Love lots,


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