Thursday, May 14, 2015

Music Therapy

So lately I turn to music to soothe my brutally bruised heart. We're now on the 5th month of the year and so many things have happened and most of them bad. I will try my best to see the good though since I must be able to learn something from the experiences. Still at this point, the sharp pains prevent me from understanding things and to accept things as they are.

I went out with boys but they turn out to be just that--- boys. Immature and cannot handle someone like me. So never mind. I felt like I just wasted time. On second thought they made me realize what I should look for in a man.

One project has just ended but I'm one of those who look forward to season 2. I hope the project gets approved for another year. There have been petty quarrels, politics  you know. But that aside, I'm just thankful not to be part of the Board since I volunteered only to do what I want and nothing else, caring nothing for politics. Oh well, come to think of it, those who engage in dirty politics are most often the ones who contribute little or nothing at all. Coz they're so busy politicking that's why. I'd like to be more productive and use my time well instead for self-growth, intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually.

Someone's been trying to pursue me romantically because according to him I'm hardcore, strong. agile, smart, and empathetic. Nah. People praise me too much but sorry I do not believe in those. He's someone I met in a trip. Me? Hardcore? You don't know even know me (...) [so] don't say you love me, baby (insert M2M song here). Probably seeing I'm not someone to mess with,  he slowly slipped away until he no longer messages me on Facebook.

With many things going on, I started another personal project and so nowadays I make it a point to play the violin everyday even for just a few minutes. I finally found the courage to play Bach and Mozart. Maybe a little more confidence from playing pop will push me to greater heights one day.

I don't know why but lately the pull of music is extra strong. Maybe my soul craves for some healing and as they say, music is the language of angels. Playing music has become a therapy, a cure for the stagnant soul.

Just the break I needed to clear my mind off things I don't need in my life. Extra baggage makes things difficult, something I learned from my constant travels. Music and a barrage of prayers to the heavens for a loved one.

Oh and I forgot, reading THIS article yesterday made me feel better. Because I can truly relate but what the hell, I'm not as needy and I can stand on my own two feet. So to those who walked out of my life, good riddance! :P

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