Sunday, February 19, 2012

Finding Love: One Week of Love

It’s another ZERO in romantic love for me this year. But love in other forms more than compensate for that lack of romantic love. For instance, I have realized how much I treasure my students. Being the first ever to be my students, they shall always occupy a special place in my heart. They can be noisy, uncooperative, selfish, and disrespectful at times, but when you really get to know them, you will find that they are cheerful people who struggle everyday to meet the demands in the academe. I have come to know their reservations, their silent dreams, their aspirations, their struggles— which make them all the more endearing to me. Perhaps the reason why I can totally relate is because as a student myself, I am also under such stress and pressure to complete the requirements in school. On Valentine’s Day itself, I spent the whole day in school, 12 straight hours in front of my beloved students, discussing one last lesson before their final exam.

The following day, I was supposed to go out with my trench mate. A few days before, he has been asking me to go to the UP Fair. I told him I’d think about it since I have early morning classes and I’d hate to come to class late. On the day itself, I totally forgot about it. Upon arriving home, I ate a quick dinner and prepared to get ready to sleep. Then I received a text message from him, asking me where I was. I thought maybe it was a mistake, that the message wasn’t intended for me. Then I remembered I wasn’t able to give him a definite reply and being tired, I told him I was already home and that I was sorry I couldn’t come, that in fact I forgot about it. Turned out he was with our fellow batchmates and one of them called me up to tell me to join them. I was touched but I had to say no. My tired body only wanted to lie down and rest. I told them we’d go out for a group date next month.

On Thursday, I met up with my sisters at a Chinese restaurant somewhere in Quezon City. It’s a restaurant that all three of us love. For us single girls, this is a sisterly date. Just two weeks before we had grand plans like go watch a movie (I told them I wanted to watch Star Wars in 3D but I don’t think they approved), spend some time at a spa, pig out at a resto, etc. Since we were all busy we just settled for resto food instead.

On Friday one of my closest friend and I had a date. All morning and afternoon I worked on revising a major requirement. Late in the afternoon, I went to UP and met up with her for a date. We watched Dulaang UP’s “The Forsaken House” at Wilfredo Ma. Guerrero Theater. The last play I watched was “Amphitryon”, which I also watched with her and which I greatly enjoyed. “The Forsaken House” is okay but the story’s cliché. It’s about a family slowly being destroyed because of the father’s tyrannical attitude. Since it has been a long time since our last date, we excitedly told stories of our recent life. I’m happy to learn that she has finally submitted her thesis draft whereas I am set to present my paper next week as a requirement in one of my classes in graduate school. I wanted us to graduate this year together.

On Saturday my dad arrived home late and asked for me. I thought that maybe he was going to ask me to do something for him again. I was just about to say I’m busy (coz I was working on my presentation) when he burst into the room with DVDs in hand. He bought me the DVDs I requested!!! Finally!!! I’ve been prodding him for Three Kingdoms and The Water Margin for a long time now. I’m happy that he didn’t forget his promise. Now I have another reason to graduate this year, and another motivation to finish my papers in the shortest possible time. I just miss watching TV series and movies, as well as curling up in bed with a good fiction novel.

Today my dad asked me to go with him to the temple. I did, since I enjoy eating misua afterwards. There is romance in eating free food at a hospitable temple; it makes me feel like a ronin on an adventure. While inside the car, we talked about Three Kingdoms. I guess Chinese literature could be something for us father and daughter to bond together since he’s the only one who’s knowledgeable about it at home, and I am also the only one interested in Chinese literature. Upon arriving home, he gave me a short lecture on Chinpingmei, Three Kingdoms, and The Water Margin. This is one thing I like about my father, we engage in discourses on literature and at times, politics.

So who needs romantic love when you’re surrounded by people who allot even a small portion of their time for you despite the crazily hectic schedule?  I still do. But it doesn’t mean that I should sulk and wallow in self-pity for having no love life when Valentine’s Day is around. I have all the love in the world because of the people around me.

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