Monday, June 25, 2012


So I have been out of job for a little over a month now and I have been job-hunting ever since I left the city to join archaeological excavations last April. Sometimes I feel that doing so has been one of the worst decisions I have made in my life. Or rather, my having enrolled in the discipline.

Being more of the optimistic type who prefers to see the good rather than the bad, I took time to reflect on what I had gotten out of archaeology. For one, I do know that I have levelled up in terms of dealing with people. I became more understanding, tolerant, and patient especially when dealing with self-centered, egoistic, selfish, manipulative--- difficult people in short. Second, I was introduced to many theories which do not cease to fascinate me as I see more of their applications not limited to the study of archaeology. Third, I found new reasons to love myself and the importance of saying NO most especially to people who deserve it. In short I have grown wiser, more confident, more thoughtful, and more responsible.

I almost gave in to depression after listening to my family talk about archaeology being a useless course because I myself see it even before that one cannot make a lucrative career out of it Though the stubborn rebel inside of me was of so idealistic and passionate about learning and finding answers to questions that bothered her since her childhood days. Yes I knew that money is hard to come by in the discipline, and that creating a niche for one's self is doubly difficult as it requires various experiences and of course, a thoroughly diligent effort to be expended unto research, excavations, and publications. And now that I am having a great difficulty in finding a job, I can hear them tell me in my head, "We told you so!"

Then again, I really shouldn't blame it on my choice of course, but rather to my highly idealistic view of everything. I just couldn't settle for less. I wanted to have a job that has it all--- great benefits, great people, a progressive learning opportunity, great working environment, the likes. Don't get me wrong. I do not ask for huge monetary benefits. It's just that I want just enough salary to cover my everyday living expenses AND something that will allow me to save a lot for future use, i.e. travels. The most important thing is that I land a job where I get to be introduced to new things as this will keep me challenged and therefore happy.

As of the present, I am having no luck in finding a job. Maybe I am too idealistic. Then again from the many interviews I have been to, I have realized I should get myself grounded to reality. It feels like I have flying on the realms of fantasy for too long and it's bad. I admit I hate going to malls nowadays because there's just a lot of things that I want to buy and yet I have to scrimp and save at the moment due to  my unemployed status. For instance, everytime I walk into a bookstore and see a really cool book with a hefty price tag, I just can't help but feel depressed. If only I had an income...

Then again, at least I have time (well, too much time actually) to go to events and do things I like. For example, I was able to watch two films during the French Film Festival in Shangrila Mall this month. I was also able to visit museums and exhibit galleries. I was able to attend El dia de espanol, an event I have yet to experience before. I have picked up some of my books and have begun reading my own books again instead of having them collect dust. I have turned to my DVD collection when in need of cinematographic inspiration. I also resumed my Japanese Language self-study program and am rekindling a passion for their beautiful script combined with kanji characters. Most days I just stay at home to read, watch films, and study.

Then again, I don't consider myself a bum. Having graduated from college with honors, I expect myself to be at least sensible. Since I stay at home most of the time, I help wash clothes, clean the room, wash dishes, cook, and do other house chores. Sometimes I go to our office and help my mom do some office work. The idea is to be of help to whomever needs it since I practically have the time and the means to do so anyway, instead of just staring at the computer monitor for hours trying to find a decent job on Jobstreet. And I must say that I am duly rewarded for my efforts. I have levelled up a lot in cooking. Let it be known that I rarely cook because I am a disaster in the kitchen. But since I don't want to feel like a useless bum at home, I would volunteer to cook and to show them that hey, this girl is no longer afraid to saute garlic and onions. The best times are when they tell me I did a good job and of course, them knowing that I can be relied upon when it comes to preparing food. Being appreciated is a reward in itself.

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