Saturday, August 31, 2013

Math for Fun 001

So here I am taking a break from solving Math problems. For the past few hours I have been answering some geometry problems on my own. There really isn't a reason why I do this, it's just that lately I am starting to feel like I'm not as mathematical as my former self, though I still have confidence in being logical so  even though I already forgot half of my math lessons in school, I still get to solve problems though not as easily as I could have because I have to analyze each part to come up with an answer.

And again this proves that in math, one does not need to memorize a plethora of formulas. One simply should understand the basic axioms and work out solutions to more complex problems. :)

Yeah, that and probably because of my desire to learn calculus on my own. My practical side would like to know if my mind can support such a topic. Again, I think there's this fear implanted in me because most people I know hate math, most people I know do not get calculus even though most of these graduated from courses requiring calculus...

And yes, I'm bored. I just want to learn something new.

1 comment:

  1. I've never used calculus in solving real-life problems but I admit that they are fun to do, like puzzles. Especially when differentials and integrals mix.
