Saturday, May 25, 2013

Topblogstories: Blog-Referring Site?

Lately I notice the sudden increase of traffic to my blog. Checking the stats, I found out that one site is the cause, The URL is flattering but one shouldn't really be. Clicking on the link (which is a wrong move as I would learn later on), I found out that the link directs to a porn site! I wouldn't want my personal blog to be associated with such!

So off I did some research on the internet and found out that other bloggers are also complaining of the same problem. I searched on ways on how to solve this problem but it turns out that Google is actually not doing anything. The only helpful information I found on the internet can be found HERE.

The links are harmless, unless clicked. I guess I have to contain my curiosity. 


  1. yeah. I found out about it yesterday and unfortunately, I click the link and I shocked till tonight. what did you do?

    1. Nothing. Have you visited this link (!category-topic/blogger/RrxXxyoSdvU%5B1-25-true%5D)? I have come across this and it says that "Nobody is actually viewing your blog from these sites - and nobody knows about these links but you, since only you can see your Stats logs. There are no actual links to your blog, from these websites - nor is your blog content being downloaded, to anybody's computer. Neither your blog's page rank nor reputation is affected, one way or the other, by referer spam."

      If the above is true, then the best way to do is to ignore the presence of that awful URL in your stats page.

  2. Hello there.. :)

    Yes, I have the same problem..
    In the beggining I think it's blog site but when check it's bad.. :(

    By the way I loved your blog.. ~

    Visit my blog too.. Thanks..

    1. I hope Google acts on the problem soon and find a way to filter dubious referring sites.
      Thanks for your kind words, Sanz Yu. Please feel free to look around. :)

  3. I have the same problem, I just noticed today. Hopefully it is true and no readers can spot this.

  4. I just noticed this same problem on my blog today, unfortunately. I wonder if there's a way a bunch of us bloggers could get together and collectively petition them to do something about it? It wouldn't necessarily do any good, but it might. I just wouldn't know where to start with that.

    1. I've thought of that, too. But given my connections, it wouldn't do much. So the next best thing is to blog about it and hopefully, raise awareness so that other bloggers won't become victims of this awful joke.

  5. I just noticed the samething on my blog. :/

  6. Just to update people,I noticed that topblogstories is no longer in the list of referring sites. :)

  7. my blog did experience the same thing. It seem to me those 'visitors' dissapeared last week.

  8. looks like the topblogstories site has been shut down...I clicked it out of curiosity and led to a server not found page

  9. thanks for the post about the porn thing;) lol... first i was amazed myself about the "new fans" LOL...
    no I am going to be a "porn-blog-"star"" ;) ahahahah;)*

  10. I noticed a bit of that on my blog, too. Nothing near as bad as you got, though.

  11. Hi there,

    I had the same problem, and I clicked on the link. I guess curiosity killed the cat. :)

  12. I found my google page clicks suddenly fell. I am always clicking so I must have clicked on a bad link.

  13. Update:: do not click on link as you will possibly receive an attempted phish after several redirects( and they are still quite actively hitting blogger sites). They send back a warning message with your ISP listed(I have a screen shot of this) and a phone number to call immediately because you have been hacked (which you haven't unless you call) They somehow used which is a domain owned and used by Google for loading content from their CDN. and emulated any known router used by that ISP to falsly demonstrate how the user has no more control over the router. So they really are not harmless no matter what some people might think.
