Today is the first day of March. I just came back from Bohol, tired and sleepy but just the same, eager to blog about this trip which I took with an officemate with whom I wasn't really that close but we do exchange jokes and pleasantries when we see each other. However, I'm feeling a bit lazy and can't seem to find in my heart to organize the photos I took, much less to edit them and create collages.
So here I am blogging about February instead. January was well spent travelling and attending lectures related to archaeology. In February, the focus is travel again. The last day of January saw me being absent at home for Chinese New Year and then succeeding days were spent in Catanauan where I was a visiting volunteer. It was my first time to excavate a burial amidst the sands so I made sure to be extra careful and just use wooden sticks. I so miss volunteering in the field full time but I'm afraid I might be fired if I would request for leave of absence for a month. Besides, I need money badly to fund my travel plans so I still don't see myself quitting my job at this point.
took a photo of this wonderful view of clouds being reflected in Caliraya Lake in Laguna while on the road |
Last month, aside from Catanauan, I finally was able to climb
Mt. Pulag. The trek was okay because of the gentle slope but the FREEZING cold is something that one must really prepare for. My friend and I didn't prepare for the climb physically but we did finish it. Unfortunately, we saw no sunrise nor sea of clouds so I'm thinking of joining another Mt. Pulag climb and won't stop until I see the famed sunrise and sea of clouds with my own eyes.
view upon descent, near parking lot |
Also, my trip to
Bohol is my second time to go to Visayas (like what I've said above... I'm getting repetitive, maybe I should just sleep...) Anyway, we didn't go to the usual tourist spots like the famous Chocolate Hills, but just went to visit the churches destroyed by a very strong earthquake late last year. That, and also the beaches since Visayas really have the most beautiful beaches in the Philippines (I think... I can't be sure of this but of all the places I've been to, Palawan and Visayas seem like paradise and perfect for snorkeling.) It was heartbreaking to see some of the churches in their present pulverized state. On the brighter side, I got to explore one cave in Panglao--- the Hinagdanan Cave where one can swim in its cool waters.
aerial view of Bohol, taken form plane |
My trip to Bohol allowed me to get on the motorbike. No, I didn't drive (I don't anyway...). But still, since it was my first time to ride as a motorbike passenger, it was very wonderful. I love the speed, the wind, even the noon time sun that scorches everything and burning my skin in the process. At night when the temperature has dropped down significantly,
we still hopped on the habal-habal and looked up at the sky full of stars. After the ride, we couldn't help but think how ugly Metro Manila is for its polluted atmosphere thus preventing stargazers from doing what they love most.
So in the coming days I will be posting about my Catanauan trip,
my Mt. Pulag experience, and of course,
And because of my many travels, I have finally amassed many travel must-haves. I finally bought a four-season tent which can house two persons. I have bought a new compass, a pair of aqua shoes, more carabiners, and a stainless bowl (for camping). Now I can definitely go camping and just eat processed food in tetra packs (ugh! I hate those, really, but if camping I will have no choice.) That is, unless I will be able to buy cooking utensils for camping. I also need to buy outdoor clothes.
Plans for March include going extra thrifty again to prepare for another trip and also to allot some of my money to my savings. (Japan will be a reality soon...) Aside from travelling, I would also like to keep my promise to my sisters to clean our room.
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