Wednesday, November 28, 2012

From Multiply 036: ???

Confused... Frustrated... Anxious... Annoyed.

Lately, I'm not getting more than 7 hours of sleep, except probably on Fridays when I would just plop myself on the bed and begin snoozing in no time, and wake up near noon the following day. The reason? Why, that darn thesis of course. And not to mention my philo and EL197 (Spanish Civil War). Now I don't know if I'll survive this semester.

Thesis... First topic: The Influence of the Holy Bible in Balthasar Gracian's "Oraculo y el arte de la prudencia". Rejected because of lack of reference materials. I know I must not be disheartened, but I AM!!!

Second topic: Antisemitism during the Spanish Inquisition of the late 15th Century and the Stand of the Vatican. My prof looked at me with eyebrows lifted. Okay, not really, but it's like he's underestimating me. (Maybe he's heard of my reputation as a history-maker, that is I create my own version of history haha.)

And I was given until next Tuesday to complete my bibliography. With Botor Lib almost always closed, how can I find the books I need? I found only two books on the subject in the Main Lib and those two precious books are NOT ON THE SHELVES. (OPAC status: ON SHELF) HMPH!

I'm annoyed coz lately, I can't afford to watch anime. Last week, I watched only 4 episodes of The Adventures of the Tweeny Witches and that's it. I miss Blood +, Yaiba, Gundam X After War. I wanna cry.

Thinking of LOA, but I'd rather not.

The anguish of a poor student...

Jul 11, '09 11:38 AM
for Miracle's friends, Miracle's family and Miracle's online buddies

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