Wednesday, November 28, 2012

From Multiply 038: Busy and Yet...

These days whenever friends text me or chat me up through YM and ask how I am, my immediate response is "Busy with my thesis." In previous years, when asked, I used to answer, "Busy with work." Note the change in priorities now. True enough, I just woke up from the sad reality that I wasted three years of my college life focusing on our family business, putting off academic stuff in favor of a boring enterprise that occupy much of my time and causing me to me more and more bitter of the world.

So now I will work hard for my thesis, as a compensation to my three "wasted" years. This is the ultimate school work and I plan to invest whatever is necessary, time, effort, money.

Surely, I have managed to live without anime for a month. Broke the momentum when I watched Yaiba episode 9 last Friday night. Other than that, I realized I could live without anime, and that it wasn't at all a great battle within me. (Though I wonder when I would ever have the time to watch Blood + and Gundam X After War again...)

Concerning books, however, it is a different matter. Incapable of pursuing my interests is a BIG heartbreak. Instead of reading A. S. Byatt, Anthony Burgess, Jorge Luis Borges, Salman Rushdie, Thomas Mann, Yukio Mishima, I am reading books that may be useful for my thesis. (I read wholeheartedly though, since I am pretty fond of the Medieval Age.) Of course, add to the list the various books needed for Philo114. And some more on the Spanish Civil War but that can take the backseat, being the most uninteresting of all.

I think I have the right to say I am EXTREMELY BUSY. But last night, I committed the sin of putting off work in favor of a not so profitable business. I attended the "GOD IS LOVE" concert at the Immaculate Conception Academy in Greenhills. Actually, I was forced to go, my sisters are quite spoiled and seldom ever receive a NO from me. (And add the fact that I thought we'd be eating out afterwards which led to disappointment when we did not.) The music was good, but I prefer rock music. So if they can create some kind of a Christian rock music, then I'd be totally in for sure.

And not to mention that almost every night, I take pleasure in answering mails from an online buddy whom I met in one of the forums.

Add to my list of crimes the many Sundays wasted on playing mahjong. I could have read a whole lot for my thesis!

And there are those nights when it could be extremely difficult for me to get out of my depression, thanks mainly to the highly capricious weather. Those nights I just stay in bed with earphones on both ears listening to WANDS's "Sekai ga owaru made wa" and "Motto tsuyoku dakishimetanara" and B'z's "Motel", "Gekkou", "Eien no tsubsa" and other rock music for hours on end until drowsiness arrives to take me to the land of dreams. Powerful guitars, awesome drumbeats and the hypnotic voice of lead singers= HEAVEN.

And so, I am lagging behind once again. I just turned in my thesis proposal late.

Aug 2, '09 1:07 AM
for Miracle's friends, Miracle's family and Miracle's online buddies

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